Friday, July 24, 2009

Birthday Wishes To My 18yr Son

Some Blogs ..... GIJOE THE MOVIE ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

jeje Ke wave because here I bring a Blogdiccionario that I found out there hehe:

Blogger: Known as one who writes a blog, the editor of a blog.

Blogging: could say that is the verb, the act of publishing, reading and link blogs.

Blogosphere: is the whole world of blogs. All blogs, all servers (Blogger, Blogs, etc). Is the name given to this virtual world of blogs.
Creative Commons: A global network that delivers patent to protect your content on the web.

Blogroll / lists: long list of other blogs with posts from a blog, that's a blogroll, a list of blogs read by the blogger, which have been visited. The lists are stored at times to recommend books and other media.

Comments: post reviews or articles on a blog, are generally identified with a Lhor, the author's name and sometimes your website or blog. In some blogs, the comments are linked so that readers can comment on other reviews, but most blogs the comments are displayed simply chronologically.

CSS: "can refer to the language of cascading style sheets (cascade style sheets) used to define the presentation of an HTML or XML document." The full definition in Wikipedia.

HTML is English is the acronym for Hypertext Markup Language (Document markup language hypertext). Code is a language designed to structure and present text as hypertext, which is the standard format of web pages.

Link: is a link or links posted within a web page also known as hyperlinks. Usually appear blue or underlined, and if they take the user click to another page. Something like this: The

Browser is an application to retrieve and view documents described in HTML. Example of Browsers: Opera, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Are ultimately read the codes for web pages. Eye not everyone reads the same way the codes ...
Post: referred to the publication of an article or new entry in a blog. The action sometimes called "post." This I write about terms as a whole is a new post or post that has a title and a date and you can comment.

RSS / Atom: syndication methods that allow stakeholders to inform your upgrade or new content. It's like a sort of diary itself that we get the latest posts that have been uploaded bloggers blogs that interest us and we have added to our association. An example of a page that provides this service is Bloglines.

Server: Servers are which publishes the blog content and allows it to be accessible by Internet users worldwide. Sometimes the servers are called hosts, and the action of posting information on a server or host is called hosting. An example is Blogger server.

Sidebar: is the sidebar that is sometimes left or right, which includes all links or information about the blog owner's profile. Enables you to navigate within the same blog, making click on different options and previous posts archived.

Tag: In creating HTML pages are formatting codes that tell the browser how to display information. Are labels, brackets in the form of "v" lying. For example: There may be a tag or tag Begin Blogger comments, and be enclosed in these brackets or tags, \u0026lt;>.

Template: is the graphical design template or other attributes (links and other resources on the sidebars). Are all the codes that make visible what is in his blog. To get to it and modify it, should enter your menu editor and click on "Template" or "Template"

Trackbacks: Trackback technology helps bloggers link to other topics related post. Rather it is a bit tricky: If you're posting in something you've seen on another blog, look for the Trackback URL. Paste this URL in point assigned to your own blogging software, and the two pieces of blog software will communicate, build a link from original post.

URL: English is an acronym that means "Uniform Resource Locator," and refers to the text that identifies a website. Usually begins with "http:// ...". A ultimately it is the address on the top bar of a web page. Something like this:

Weblog: is the same as saying the blog or weblog. A sort of online diary or personal web page where everyone is his own editor and decides what to write, how to and how regularly.

And finally here are the Ten Commandments of Blogger jajajjaj:

1 - Save your template
2 - use and abuse of the preview
3 - Love your blog on all other pages (porn included)
4 - Do not copy ideas from other blogs, adaptations and the improved
5 - Do not lie in your blog about your daily experiences unless they are too boring
6 - honor your server and google-ads
7 - shalt not take the association in vain
8 - Do not delete comments that will put you to give birth unless it clashes with the style of your blog
9 - sanctified blogs that link them to your blog visitors
10 - Do not forget the 1 st commandment

By DarkKnight


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