personal Meme (Taku) the wake of the blog of my brother,
Eldeman , I join this fever of memes. So here's mine for if you wont to know more about me:
1. Full name: Maria
2. Why did you put that name? : Because they liked (or so I think ...)
3. Do you ask wishing on stars? : I was small (we all have the desire to be ordered to shooting stars)
4. The last time llorastes? Ago little
5. Pan "to what? : That Jamoncito Guijuelo, mmmmmmmm
6. Do you like animals? : Of course
7. How many children do you have? : 0 (though I hope that over the years the number change)
8. Do you collaborate with NGOs? : No, but every Christmas try to contribute my bit by buying X-mas of Unicef \u200b\u200b
9. If you were another person would be your friend? : Yep
10. Do you have a diary? : No
11. Are you sarcastic? : No I'm good
12. "Bungee jump in? : Bridge-what? jejeje
13. What is your favorite cereal? : The cornflakes all CIDA
14. Do you undo, before removing his shoes? : If yes
lead 15. Think you're strong? : No.
16. Is your favorite ice cream? : Vanilla with macadamia nuts Haggen Dazs (or as they write)
17. What size shoe? : 38
18. "Favorite music group? I have no one favorite, I like more ...
19. What do you dislike about yourself? : That I am very stubborn
20. Who will sorely miss? : To my friends in the north and lift
21. What was the last movie you saw? Max Payne (and I think I had to remember a coworker ... what a head I have
22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?: Jeans and black boots
23. When was the last time you made love?: Hey! that's private!
24. What are you listening to right now?: radio and the sound of the keyboards of my teammates and how not to phones ...
25. Does last person you talked to on the phone?: A companion to the 2 nd floor.
26. Does your favorite drink?: Nestea
27. "Sport favorite to watch on TV? : Soccer
28. "Favorite food? : Tortilla chips (especially that I do)
29. Final "sad or happy ending? : I prefer happy.
30. Do you have pets? : I
31. Favorite Day of the Year "? My birthday!
32. "Kisses or Hugs? : Hugs
33. Are you a happy person? : Much
34. Have you traveled much? : Not as much as I would,
35. A sexual fantasy: It is also a private ...
36. What is the last meal you prepared? : Artichokes with ham and pork steaks grilled
37. "Favorite color? : Red
38. What you saw on TV last night? : The Gears of War 2 (my boyfriend was playing: P)
39. Something that makes you lose the paper: People who constantly gets in my face you
40. Where is the furthest you've been in your house? San Francisco
41. Something that would make morbo: mmmmmmmmmmm, I leave it to my
42. @ Are you open to sexual options like oral sex or anal sex? : My Mother how we are with sexual themes!
43. A favorite dessert: either my mother does
44. A place to disappear, would have to think long
45. What animal have you most afraid? : Spiders (oh, no, you disgust me) any wild animal.
46. Would not you like die without trying: Too much
47. Do you ever get caught making love? : Nope
48. Your patience level from 0 to 10 is: between 6 and 7 (it seemed tacky to 6.5)
49. What book are you reading? : The Pillars of the Earth (I know I'm late, jejejeje)
50. Have you ever took drugs? : Removing the alcoholism, no. Taku